sexta-feira, 21 de novembro de 2008

Original Video - More videos at TinyPic
My Evaluation!

When I was doing my “create” I noticed that finding the pictures for my routine, took much longer than 20 minutes, I actually took around two lessons to find all the pictures for my routine. So this means that my timeline is not very accurate! I took around two lessons because it was hard to find the exact pictures, and pictures that combine with what I’m saying in the routine.

I noticed as well that the storyboard or script took a bit longer than 5 minutes, because I had to check the spelling and the grammar. I also had to check if it made sense and that it’s stays in the right place.

I took a little bit longer than 3 minutes on putting the subtitles, because I didn’t have the titles in French, so I know that next time I should make sure I have the title in French. I took a little longer because I also needed to make corrections on the titles and make sure that there are no mistakes in grammar or spelling.

Overall I believe that the rest was good and well done, I know that the next time I will make sure that everything is in place and done, and that at the end I don’t have to do it at the last point. I think my photo story went well and it was clear, next time I will make sure the pictures are neat and that are focused and that the titles stay focused as well, because there are slides that the titles are not very clear. I think my daily routine (photostory) was very good, but it could have been quicker because I took a long time on choosing the colours, the fonts, the positions and of course on the corrections I had to wait for the teacher to come to my computer and check it...she was very busy!

Overall everything went well!



we have been working on our real photostory! it has been really hnice, and i'm nearly finished. I just need to do some last touches and I'm done, I am certain that tommorrow I have it all done! Today I worked on finishing the titles on my photostory and I did my recording! At the end I showed all this to Ms. Bouvet to make sure everything is correct, she made some corrections and this part was nearly finished. Tommorrow I'll do some last touches and today I just start the evaluation!

Today I believe I worked well!

Well the bell has gone...bye...

sexta-feira, 24 de outubro de 2008



today i have done my search of pictures and it has been very difficult and slow. This type of work is very boring because we need to find two pictures from each step of our storyboard.

bye bye

quinta-feira, 23 de outubro de 2008


Today we have done lots of stuff, i have finished my narration and started my search of pictures. i found pictures and co0llected the hyperlings...

sexta-feira, 10 de outubro de 2008

Original Video - More videos at TinyPic

sexta-feira, 3 de outubro de 2008



today we started woking with Photostory 3. We did a practise photostory and it was really nice! My photostory is about myself, my favourites and my best friends! i'm loving working with photostory it's actually quite easy to work with it...i'm really enthusiastic!

Bye, bye

sexta-feira, 19 de setembro de 2008


today we behaved a little badly because we laughed a lot, but still i finished question 4 and 5. because we laughed a lot miss.dietrich was a little mad at us and she was right.
but i like it because it was fun, though i learned that we should always listen and work hard. we also played a new game of a spider, the spider was really cute and it was a nice typing game, i tried easy but then it got boring because it was only letters, so then i went to medium and i finished the game, this one was better because it was with words and the cameleons went faster.

well bye!

sexta-feira, 12 de setembro de 2008



today i watched many digital stories so that i could finish my question 4 on the inestigation, i managed to finish and i saw some very interesting digital stories. it was a good day!

well gotta go


quinta-feira, 11 de setembro de 2008


Hi again,

today we didn't do very much, but we talked about a program i love which is: Adobe Photoshop. One of these days, i think it's next lesson, we will bring a photo and we will change it with this program. We will use a lot of different tools, and it will stay very nice. Today i inserted two photos on my blog, so i needed to go to Hi5 where i have photos online, and take some, me two other friends did that. Me and Carlota discovered a bit photoshop allready, as i know it allready i explained a little to her, and we played with our photos. Miss.dietrich told us we were going to learn about two programs, photostory3 and photoshop. It will be really cool!

well, see ya!

sexta-feira, 5 de setembro de 2008

Second Class in year8

Today was the first day we really worked, in this class IT. It was very nice because i actually was up to know how to work a lot, so i was fast enough. It was very nice, we all helped Mafalda on this investigation because she doesn't talk english
it was nice


terça-feira, 3 de junho de 2008

today I finished my plan and started my create...I have already done 3 graphs, but I still have 4 more to go! I think my work is going really well and that it's staying pretty and neat. Next lesson I will try to do a little more and finish create...because that's our due date for the create least for me. I made this due date for myself!

Well, gotta go!

sexta-feira, 30 de maio de 2008


today i nearly finished my plan...but i still need to do 4 more continents.
i'm liking a lot this project but i think i need to work quicker, because for example today i talked a lot. But it was really fun!

terça-feira, 20 de maio de 2008



Today my computer was very slow so at the middle i had to stop working and shut the computer down. Then i logged the computer again and i continued working. I'm nearly finishing my Design, i just need the Africa continent and finishing the South America graph. I know that at the end of the week i need to be finishing the Plan part of the project, so i am a little worried that i'm behind.
gotta go


terça-feira, 13 de maio de 2008



today i found allready the part that i have lost last week, which made me very worried! The good part is that i recovered that part but still i needed to find the populations all again. :(
Today we were allowed to sit where ever we wanted it to, which was really good and still we worked a lot. Today i also worked on the question 3 of design which is the second part of the project, i finished the details about the Oceania graph. Still i didn't finish everything, and that makes me a little late compared to the others. On the next lesson i will try to finish the design part and continue the plan part of the project.

Bye, Gotta go!

terça-feira, 6 de maio de 2008


Today i finally finished the 4th question in my investigation, this question is telling the population of different countries in each different continent, it is very cool. Me and a friend of mine, Tommy did it together. We did it really fast, and it was very easy!
It was actually cool!
Also i received my score on my test and i got a really good score, i was very proud!


sexta-feira, 2 de maio de 2008

Hi again,

today we had 2 periods of I.T and on the first class i didn't came late, and finished Q.3 which is the part of describing the graphs. Then we had a break and i came a little tiny bit late to the second lesson. On the second lesson i started doing the grids with the populations, and i finished the Europe grid, in every continent you have to find the population of 10 countries. Then we had 10 minutes games....and now i gotta go!

Bye...thank you!

terça-feira, 15 de abril de 2008


today i tried to finish the last part of q2 but still i couldn't i will even best on the next lesson. Today the boys of our class have spend the whole lesson doing stupid things, which is really bad because M.Castro got pissed!

Next time i will try to finish this question and the next one!

bye, got to go!

sexta-feira, 4 de abril de 2008



Today we started doing our investigations, but to start on with the investigation we needed to know exactly the things that will go on the test, on the 18th of April. Miss.Castro asked who allready knew some things and i was the only one who knew.
So i started with the investigation, while the others continued with the tutorials, but nearly nobody heard any more of the tutorials and started immediately with the investigation. I'm now on question 2 on the investiagtion, and i still need 3 more questions...i guess. I'm now prepared to do test because i already know everything we need to's very easy...i guess!

Bye... See you later!

terça-feira, 1 de abril de 2008


Today on our second lesson, we were listening to tutorials and practicing on Excel2007.
The lesson didn't go very well because the boys were talking a lot and so Miss. Castro got fed up, and was really angry at us. So no games next lesson! :(
When i heard that we were doing tutorials i thought that it was going to be really boring, but then after starting it, it didn't seem so was actually fun...I was ahead of everyone...that felt nice! We played a little bit today, but it was really just a little bit, like 5 mins.!

Gotta go Miss.Castro wants to talks to us!

See ya

sexta-feira, 28 de março de 2008

today me and my class changed lesson, now we are doing I.T excel instead of I.T Word. Our teacher is called Ms.Castro, and today she showed us howto do a graph and the different types of graphs.
I think this project will be very nice and interesting, because i will learn alot. She talked how this project was goingto be, and it sounds nice. I think maybe the most boring part that i thought was the part of doing the averages, but the rest is quite nice.

Bye, and in the next lesson i will tell you the rest.

terça-feira, 22 de janeiro de 2008


Today during my I.T class I played again free typing games, which were very nice...I did 2 games and a test which is a story, in the story I did 49 words per minute (wpm), and in the games i went until level 10 in intermediate (the game is called Alien Attack), which my friends near me, just went until level 8. I felt happy about it! After this I inserted a Design Cycle (explanations in message from Design Cycle). After I finished everything Miss.Dietrich gave me a sheet to do on Word 2007. The text about pancakes, but on the sheet what I learned even more, was to do spelling check by myself and also to add paragraphs on files allready done. This was mainly a re inforcement, because I knew how to it. It was still very nice to do it. Because I was one of the first ones to finish, I then had time to write on my Process Journal, and not have time to do what I want because I wrote too much and spended lots of time on my Process Journal!

Thank you
Sorry for being too long...
Hello again,

My Design Cycle from friday the 18th. We needed to know off by hard, all the process. Then after we knowing off by hard we did this, on Microsoft Word 2007 we went to Smart Art and did this Cycle. On my school we all have Word 2007 which is really good because it make us learn more and have more possibilities on working, with a greater variety of choice. We also learned how to make an image on Word, put images on blogs, and also that there are different things on Word...again there is a greater variety of choice.

terça-feira, 15 de janeiro de 2008

I.T Class


Hi again!

Today we did a lot of things, i updated my i forgot my site. I also did a sheet that my teacher gave to me, it was about yawning and working on Word 2007. After IU finished this sheet, which was really nice to do and easy, we did whatever we wanted to.

I.T Class


Hi Again,

Today we started doing some typing games. These games made us practise our typing skills, this site had games, tests, and lessons. I did games, lessons and tests. The tests were very nice they were stories that we had to write, with a certain time, and an amount of words as a target.
My maximum words per minute was: 41 wpm. My friend Carlota did much more than me, her maximum was 54wpm...she is an expert...and i'm becoming one.

Thank You!!

I.T Class


Hi again,
Today we had to answer a question which is:

"what is the primary reason we created an I.T blog?"

In my opinion, I think the primary reason we created I.T blogs it's because it's a way of doing the homework without books and in other places. It's also a way of meeting new people and making new friendships on blogs. In this case we are doing the Process Journal and that makes us reflect on what we did on the class that day.