sexta-feira, 21 de novembro de 2008

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My Evaluation!

When I was doing my “create” I noticed that finding the pictures for my routine, took much longer than 20 minutes, I actually took around two lessons to find all the pictures for my routine. So this means that my timeline is not very accurate! I took around two lessons because it was hard to find the exact pictures, and pictures that combine with what I’m saying in the routine.

I noticed as well that the storyboard or script took a bit longer than 5 minutes, because I had to check the spelling and the grammar. I also had to check if it made sense and that it’s stays in the right place.

I took a little bit longer than 3 minutes on putting the subtitles, because I didn’t have the titles in French, so I know that next time I should make sure I have the title in French. I took a little longer because I also needed to make corrections on the titles and make sure that there are no mistakes in grammar or spelling.

Overall I believe that the rest was good and well done, I know that the next time I will make sure that everything is in place and done, and that at the end I don’t have to do it at the last point. I think my photo story went well and it was clear, next time I will make sure the pictures are neat and that are focused and that the titles stay focused as well, because there are slides that the titles are not very clear. I think my daily routine (photostory) was very good, but it could have been quicker because I took a long time on choosing the colours, the fonts, the positions and of course on the corrections I had to wait for the teacher to come to my computer and check it...she was very busy!

Overall everything went well!



we have been working on our real photostory! it has been really hnice, and i'm nearly finished. I just need to do some last touches and I'm done, I am certain that tommorrow I have it all done! Today I worked on finishing the titles on my photostory and I did my recording! At the end I showed all this to Ms. Bouvet to make sure everything is correct, she made some corrections and this part was nearly finished. Tommorrow I'll do some last touches and today I just start the evaluation!

Today I believe I worked well!

Well the bell has gone...bye...