sexta-feira, 30 de maio de 2008


today i nearly finished my plan...but i still need to do 4 more continents.
i'm liking a lot this project but i think i need to work quicker, because for example today i talked a lot. But it was really fun!

terça-feira, 20 de maio de 2008



Today my computer was very slow so at the middle i had to stop working and shut the computer down. Then i logged the computer again and i continued working. I'm nearly finishing my Design, i just need the Africa continent and finishing the South America graph. I know that at the end of the week i need to be finishing the Plan part of the project, so i am a little worried that i'm behind.
gotta go


terça-feira, 13 de maio de 2008



today i found allready the part that i have lost last week, which made me very worried! The good part is that i recovered that part but still i needed to find the populations all again. :(
Today we were allowed to sit where ever we wanted it to, which was really good and still we worked a lot. Today i also worked on the question 3 of design which is the second part of the project, i finished the details about the Oceania graph. Still i didn't finish everything, and that makes me a little late compared to the others. On the next lesson i will try to finish the design part and continue the plan part of the project.

Bye, Gotta go!

terça-feira, 6 de maio de 2008


Today i finally finished the 4th question in my investigation, this question is telling the population of different countries in each different continent, it is very cool. Me and a friend of mine, Tommy did it together. We did it really fast, and it was very easy!
It was actually cool!
Also i received my score on my test and i got a really good score, i was very proud!


sexta-feira, 2 de maio de 2008

Hi again,

today we had 2 periods of I.T and on the first class i didn't came late, and finished Q.3 which is the part of describing the graphs. Then we had a break and i came a little tiny bit late to the second lesson. On the second lesson i started doing the grids with the populations, and i finished the Europe grid, in every continent you have to find the population of 10 countries. Then we had 10 minutes games....and now i gotta go!

Bye...thank you!